
The Virus

2015 The Fixies HD TV-Y
Tom Thomas plays a computer racing game against Johnny over the Internet with Simka and Nolik cheering him on. Tom Thomas finishes the last level and wins. Hooray! Suddenly, a banner appears on the screen with the promise of a super prize and new free levels of the game. Despite Simka’s warning, Tom Thomas clicks on the ad and the computer suddenly stops working. Tom Thomas and Nolik think that maybe it’s Johnny’s revenge, but Simka explains to them that this is a computer virus that has infected his computer. To remove it Tom Thomas will need to install an anti-virus program. Simka recalls that Tom Thomas’ dad had long offered to install this program on his computer, but Tom Thomas never accepted because he was always too busy playing on it. Tom Thomas gets the program from his dad’s office and its installation does his computer. Simka makes them de-install it so Dad doesn’t suspect that Tom Thomas got some kind of mysterious help. As soon as Dad gets home from work, Tom Thomas rushes to him with the request to finally install the anti-virus program. Dad would rather do it some other time, but Tom Thomas insists that they must not wait any longer.

The Toilet
The Toilet
Tom Thomas notices that the water in the toilet keeps running. Simka and Nolik say that they shouldn’t mess with the bowl because Fixies can get flushed down the drain. They call Papus for help and ask Tom Thomas to guard the door to make sure no one comes and flushes the toilet. Mom calls for Tom Thomas to go to the kitchen. When he comes back a minute later he finds the door to the bathroom locked. It must be his dad in there! Tom Thomas knocks on the door and asks Dad not to flush the toilet under any condition. Dad is surprised to hear such a strange request and answers that he only wants to take a shower. Tom Thomas says that the toilet broke. Dad doesn’t listen Tom Thomas’ warnings and flushes the toilet to check if it works. Tom Thomas is in despair. He thinks he’ll never see his Fixie friends again. But Simka and Nolik return. They heard the conversation between Tom Thomas and his dad, so they had time to climb out of the tank.
The Wheel
The Wheel
Nolik is playing with Toola and Digit but suddenly he leaves his friends and runs to Tom Thomas. Tom Thomas promised to give him a bike ride. Toola and Digit would also like to go on a ride but Nolik is against this idea. He says that Tom Thomas is his personal friend and invited only him, Nolik! However, Tom Thomas can’t go anywhere because the front wheel on his bike keeps deflating. He needs the help of a real Fixie. Nolik hasn’t studied about bicycle wheels yet because he is too young. Like it or not Nolik needs to call Toola and Digit for help. Together the Fixies and Tom Thomas find the hole in the tire and patch it up. The bike is ready to go! But Toola and Digit hesitate: no one invited them for a ride. Tom Thomas doesn’t understand their confusion: they are all friends! So he helps them climb onto the bike’s handlebar. The front door opens and all four of them are off for a fun trip!
Tom Thomas keeps touching dirty things before lunch and his mom sends him to wash his hands again and again. He is upset because he thinks that washing hands is waste of time. Simka stands up for Tom Thomas’ mom and offers to show him germs through the microscope in Dad’s office. Tom Thomas and Nolik get so scared by what they see that they decide to wash not only their hands with soap but also the whole room and everything in it, including the soap itself! When Mom enters Tom Thomas’ room to clean it up, she realizes that there is nothing in there for her to do: the room is sparkling clean. As his mom inspects the room, Tom Thomas wipes away all of the finger prints his mom leaves as she touches the furniture. He even rubs his forehead clean after Mom strokes his head with praise!
The Sieve
The Sieve
Tom Thomas and his dad decide to make a surprise for Mom for when she comes back from a business trip: to bake her favorite buns with raisins. Neither of them knows anything about baking. However, the Fixies, who are hiding in one of the kitchen cabinets, help Tom Thomas. They tell him where the recipe, the mixer, and flour are. The problem is that there are no raisins in the house! The Fixies suggest that Tom Thomas should pick out the raisins from some cereal. But picking out raisins one by one would take way too long. The Fixies come up with the smart idea of using a sieve to separate the cereal from the raisins. Tom Thomas quickly finishes this task while Dad makes a mess doing his part of the job: milk sprays out of the mixer all over the kitchen and pieces of batter splatter onto the floor! In the end all the of difficulties are overcome and Mom’s surprise is ready. She is happy! When she asks who managed to do such a good job, she finds out that all of the problems were solved by Tom Thomas.
The Exercise Machine
The Exercise Machine
Tom Thomas sees Nolik hiding in a box of tacks. Soon, there is going to be a race between the fixie-girls and the fixie-boys, and little Nolik is afraid of letting his team down. Tom Thomas suggests that Nolik should start training instead of hiding. With the help of his construction set he builds a toy treadmill for Nolik and both of them bring each other to the point of exhaustion with training. On the day of the race it looks like Nolik can’t be counted on, so Fire thinks it’s crucial for him and Digit to win the first two laps. But Digit loses to Simka. Fire is disappointed but suddenly Nolik briskly outruns Toola. It looks like the victory will belong to the boys! But things make a sudden turn when Toola falls into a bottle as she runs through an obstacle zone. Without thinking twice, Nolik runs back to rescue her. They both cross the finish line at the same time. The friendship wins, and little Nolik becomes his friends’ hero!
The Umbrella
The Umbrella
Professor Eugenius and the Fixies are fixing a pully in the laboratory. Toola comes in late carrying an umbrella for some unknown reason. She explains to her surprised friends that according to omens it is going to rain. For instance, Tom Thomas’ dad was going to wash his car and that is a sure sign of rain. Toola’s friends laugh at her superstitious beliefs, but she keeps finding new omens that support her idea about the upcoming rain. Finally, Grandpus can’t stand it any longer and lays out an indisputable argument: they are indoors where it just can’t rain. Irritated, Grandpus smashes a part with a sledgehammer a bit too hard, sending the part flying into the air and triggering the fire extinguisher system. Water starts sprinkling from the ceiling! It turns out that Toola’s omen came true. She is happy to dance with her umbrella and soon everyone else joins in the fun.
The Iron
The Iron
Professor Eugenius is getting ready to go to a ceremony where he will receive the “Genius of the Year” award. Nolik and Toola jokingly ask him to say greetings to the Fixies during the TV broadcast of the awards, but Simka stops them: if he does, everyone will learn about the Fixies’ secret existence! The professor’s assistant, Elisa, decides that the suit wrinkled Eugenius is planning to wear to the ceremony must be ironed urgently. She accidently pours juice into the iron instead of water. It seems like her idea has gone down the drain. Elisa faints. The Fixies tell Eugenius to go save Elisa while they will try saving the iron. Later that day Elisa sits in front of the TV and admiringly looks at Eugenius in his well-ironed suit. During the ceremony Eugenius is on the verge of accidently greeting the Fixies! The Fixies shrink in horror in front of the TV screen! But Eugenius suddenly remembers about their agreement and gets himself out of this situation. The Fixies can breath again. Elisa looks at Eugenius’ beautiful suit but then lowers her eyes and sees him wearing red sneakers that are absolutely unsuitable for such a formal event.
Tom Thomas feasts his eyes on a chocolate ball. Nolik really want to know what toy is inside the candy, but Tom Thomas asks him to wait till the next morning when they can open it together. Tom Thomas goes to sleep but Nolik’s curiosity grows stronger and stronger! Verda and Simka arrive on their fixie-boards. They start persuading Nolik to open the ball and check what’s inside. Nolik tells them that he and Tom Thomas agreed not to open it, but the girls think that if they do everything carefully, Tom Thomas won’t ever notice. Unfortunately, they bang into the ball and it falls onto the table and breaks. How can it be fixed? The Fixies use a torch to melt the chocolate and turn it back into a ball. At this moment Nolik comes up with a brilliant idea… Morning. Tom Thomas comes in and takes the chocolate ball. He enjoys looking at it but he remembers that he can’t open it without Nolik. Simka and Verda arrive and start tempting him to forget his promise and just open the ball. Tom Thomas breaks the ball and takes out the toy. It’s nothing but a regular little screw. Tom Thomas doesn’t hide his disappointment but suddenly the screw jumps up and turns into Nolik! Tom Thomas is astonished but he quickly figures out that Nolik must have broken his promise. But Nolik points out that Tom Thomas broke the promise too. Everyone has a good laugh.
The Spider
The Spider
Tom Thomas pets Chewsocka explaining to the Fixies that his dog is not only his pet, but also his friend. Nolik say that he also has a pet – a little spider named Buggy. Nolik and Simka introduce Buggy to Tom Thomas. Tom Thomas shows the Fixies that Chewsocka can do different tricks. Buggy only puts out her paw but gets scared when she hears other commands. Nolik gets angry and yells at Buggy. Buggy cowers and runs away. Simka convinces Nolik that real friends can’t be treated like that, and sends him to go find Buggy and apologize. Nolik is looking for Buggy in the dark air ducts. All of a sudden he falls to the bottom of a deep pipe. His fixieboard is broken and his leg has been hurt. Suddenly Buggy appears in front of him but soon runs away. Nolik thinks that Buggy is angry that he yelled at him and that nobody will ever find him. But just a little later Buggy appears again, but this time together with Simka. Nolik’s sister bandages his leg and takes him back to Tom Thomas’ room. Nolik tells Tom Thomas and Simka that he learned that Buggy is a real friend.
Fire, Verda, Digit, and Toola are fixing a printer in Professor Eugenius’ laboratory. They have to constantly ask each other for help. Gradually each one of them gets a feeling that the others use his or her help much more than he or she gets help from them. They see Professor’s assistant, Elisa, collecting money for her work. This gives them an idea to print their own money, even though Fixies never had it before. With the help of a hole-puncher and a stamp they make paper coins and start paying each other for help. To be fair, they put some of the money aside for Simka and Nolik. But things soon get out of hand as the Fixies start changing prices, asking for more than usual for their services, and some of them end up without any money left at all. The whole idea of money has led to nothing but squabbles and hard feelings. Then Simka and Nolik shower their friends with a heap of confetti designed to look just like their money. The money is now worthless and friendly support and help are highly valued once again. The Fixies finish repairing the printer and print out a word that unites them – “Friendship”.
The Toothpaste
The Toothpaste
Tom Thomas plays astronauts with the Fixies. A tube of toothpaste serves as make-believe astronauts’ food. Suddenly, their parents enter and tell them that this toothpaste is a part of a scientific experiment. Tom Thomas’ dad needs to regularly brush his teeth with it while Mom monitors the results. Tom Thomas really wants to take part in the experiment but his mom says that he is still lacking responsibility for such a serious task: he doesn’t clean up his room, and the plant on his windowsill is wilting. Tom Thomas is completely intrigued by the mysterious toothpaste, but the Fixies, who view science as the most important thing, don’t let him even touch it. Tom Thomas keeps trying to get some of the toothpaste with a multitude of comical attempts, but the Fixies catch him each time. Finally, Tom Thomas cleans up his room, waters the plant and asks his parents to entrust him with participation in the scientific experiment. The parents agree. In private Tom Thomas’ parents are proud of their scheme to trick Tom Thomas into acting more responsibly. The Fixies hear this but decide not to tell Tom Thomas anything because it wouldn’t be right to interrupt the experiment!
The Dishwasher
The Dishwasher
Nolik and Simka argue with their parents, Papus and Masiya, about who has more cares in their lives. In the end they decide to make a bet and trade places for the day. The winners will be the team that manages to deal best with the ordinary day-to-day duties of their opponents. The losers will have to fulfill a wish of the winners. Masiya and Papus go to school instead of their children while Nolik and Simka take Papus’ big pack-o-mat and start repairing a dishwasher. It’s not going well for either of them. Masiya gets an F instead of Simka and both she and Papus get exhausted playing sports games with their classmates. Simka and Nolik can’t figure out why the dishwasher is broken. Neither of two teams admits defeat and they go for the second round. Nolik suddenly discovers the dishwasher’s problem - a button stuck in the wrong position. The kids find Papus and Masiya dressed in silly carnival costumes and play hide and seek with Tom Thomas – they refuse to give up! Both sides decide it is tie –and both teams decide to fulfill each other’s wishes – the parents will fix Simka’s bad grade, and the kids will play with Tom Thomas.
The Fasteners
The Fasteners
Grandpus gives a lesson to Fire, Simka, and Nolik at the warehouse. He teaches them to screw themselves into a wall in case of emergency breakdowns. Simka and Fire do the task with ease but Nolik is scared because once he had screwed himself into an appliance that was plugged in and got a terrible shock. Grandpus decides to be an example for Nolik and he screws into a shelving unit. Unfortunately, he is unable to unscrew himself without help. Professor Eugenius tries to help Grandpus but he loses his footing and falls down. Soon he is buried in boxes that have fallen on him and he can’t get up. The shelving unit tilts and a heavy electric motor is about to fall from the top shelf right on Professor Eugenius! The only thing that can save Eugenius is to securely screw the shelves into the wall. Simka and Fire quickly screw themselves into empty holes but it’s not enough to stabilize the unit. One more screw is needed! Nolik overcomes his fear, takes a daring leap and screws himself into an empty opening. Whew! The shelves are secured! But who is going to free Eugenius from under the boxes? The only hope is for him to wait for his assistant Elisa to return from her vacation later that day. Hope her plane lands on time!
The Window
The Window
Tom Thomas’ mom borrows a window cleaning robot from a neighbor and would like to get one for her own family. However, Tom Thomas’ dad doesn’t want to spend the money and claims that he can do an excellent job of cleaning the windows himself. Instead of buying the robot he proposes the money would be better spent buying a new skating board for Tom Thomas. Mom thinks that Dad should prove his skills and wash the window in his home office while the robot cleans the tiles in the kitchen. The competition begins. Dad’s attempt is not going very well at all. He is afraid of heights so he attaches a sponge to a ski pole. Tom Thomas understands that the robot might win, so he starts sabotaging it, making dirty spots on tiles that the robot has already cleaned. But Nolik and Simka take the robot under their protection. They never let anybody to do an injustice to an appliance. All of Tom Thomas’ attempts fail. The Fixies remind their friends that a true victory can’t come from cheating. Dad ends up doing only half of his job. He is afraid to wash the window from the outside and offers that the robot finish. Hurrah! Mom and the Fixies win!
The Helicopter
The Helicopter
Simka, Toola and Verda are gathered around a pack-o-mat in Professor Eugenius’ laboratory ready to take part in something “important” when they are suddenly disturbed by a loud noise. It’s Fire and Nolik flying around the lab in a radio-controlled helicopter being controlled from the ground by Digit. The girls try to get Digit to land the helicopter by flirting with him, but this only distracts him and he loses control of the helicopter. As the helicopter plunges towards the ground the girls rescue Fire and Nolik with their fixieboards. The boys understand that before they fly the helicopter again they need proper training like real pilots to fly it safely. They assemble a helicopter simulator and begin their training. The girls can finally get some peace from those silly boys and go back to their “important business” – deciding what they should do with the two jewels they found inside of Verda’s pack-o-mat.
The Coffeemaker
The Coffeemaker
It’s morning and Tom Thomas’ mother is upset about how many things she has to do at work that day! She doesn’t know how she will manage. What she needs is good cup of coffee to get her day going in the right direction. But even the coffee machine doesn’t want to cooperate, deciding it needs to run through its time consuming self-cleaning process. Frustrated, Mom hits the device and it shuts off completely. Mom is so upset she starts to cry. Tom Thomas, knowing that Simka and Masiya are hiding inside the broken coffee machine, reassures his mom that the machine will work again as long as it is treated kindly. Mom is skeptical but soon becomes a believer as the machine appears to fix itself. Mom is ecstatic when the coffeemaker brews her the fresh cup of coffee she so desperately wanted. For Mom, it looks like a miracle, and her own son like a magician. Simka is so carried away by their heroic deed she wants Mom to believe the coffeemaker can even sing “Ah, my dear Augustine” nearly giving up her secret existence to Mom in the process. But with some quick thinking Tom Thomas manages to cover Simka’s over enthusiasm and Mom leaves for work in a happy mood singing “Ah, my dear Augustine” herself!
The Time Machine
The Time Machine
Grandpus installs an unknown device at Fixie School. As a joke, Fire convinces Toola that it’s a time machine. Toola is very nervous about an upcoming exam at school and so her Fixie classmates offer to use the time machine to send her to “tomorrow” so she can rehearse taking the test. The Fixie kids “send” Toola to the future, pretending they are really sitting in class on the day of the test. The only thing odd is that Simka is administering the test instead of Grandpus. When Toola asks why, she is told that Grandpus got hurt when Toola dropped a bolt on his head the day before. Toola quiets her nerves and gets through the test. Simka announces that Toola actually had the best result in the class. A confident Toola returns back to the “present” in the time machine and rushes to give Grandpus a helmet to protect his head from getting hit. Grandpus is completely confused by her action. The next day Toola arrives to take the real test and is relieved to find that Grandpus did not get hurt – the helmet must have worked! At first she is nervous about the test but then calms down remembering how well she did at the rehearsal. She gets all of the answers right except one, identifying that mysterious device that Grandpus had installed at Fixie School – she answered that it was a time machine, but Grandpus reveals it is simply a timer for automatically watering flowers.
Tom Thomas’ dad mysteriously asks him for an empty plastic water bottle. Tom Thomas, Simka and Nolik hear snippets of his dad’s conversation that he intends to begin an operation to save the planet. Tom Thomas wonders if his dad is a real superhero. Simka, however, suggests that he simply intends to collect the plastic and separate it from the rest of the trash for recycling. More mysterious conversations from his continue to fascinate Tom Thomas, and Tom Thomas to help his father with his special “heroic operation”! Dad reveals what Simka had suspected, that he is simply collecting plastic that can be recycled as a way to help save the planet. Tom Thomas and his dad leave home with a batch of plastic for recycling. Nolik is sad that he can’t join them, but Simka assures him that the Fixies do their part for the environment by repairing things so they will last longer and not get thrown out as often. That means that the Fixies can also consider themselves superheroes of the planet.
The Frying Pan
The Frying Pan
Flying on their fixieboards, Simka and Nolik argue over which of them is more dexterous. Simka challenges Nolik to perform their acrobatics on ice. Nolik is brave and accepts the challenge, but there's a problem - the Fixies don’t have an ice rink. Tom Thomas quickly pours and freezes some water in a frying pan. Now the siblings have a rink for their contest. Nolik goes first and does quite well, but his skills can’t compare to the dazzling ice skating display of his sister. But Simka’s bragging is too much to bear, and so Nolik and Tom Thomas have a plan to slow Simka down. Nolik distracts Simka as Tom Thomas sprinkles some table salt on the ice, causing it to melt. This makes Simka to fall and accidentally scratch the non-stick coating on the frying pan. Simka offers to repair the pan, which is Tom Thomas’ mom’s favorite for making pancakes, but only under the condition that they both he and Nolik jump on one leg a hundred times. The boys agree and Simka fixes the pan with her pack-o-mat before Mom returns. As Mom makes pancakes she can’t understand why Tom Thomas is hopping up and down. He tells her it’s to make his leg stronger. Also hopping up and down, Nolik tells Simka she could never do what he is doing on the ice, and she is willing to bet him, but Nolik decides that isn’t a good idea.
Tom Thomas and his dad are getting ready to go fishing. Nolik wishes he could go fishing too. Papus explains to Nolik that Fixies don’t catch fish, but Nolik begs his dad to at least go make-believe fishing at the aquarium. Just as Tom Thomas and his dad are about to leave the apartment, Mom sadly reminds them that the mirror in the corridor is still not hung as promised. As she heads out the door, Dad promises her he will hang it now before they leave. He tells Tom Thomas it won’t take but a minute as he grabs a drill and a screw made to go into concrete. Unfortunately the only screw they have is not really big enough to hold the mirror. Tom Thomas and Dad understand that this means an unwanted trip to the hardware store, so Dad convinces himself that the screw will be good enough to at least hold it for a few days until he has more time to do it right. Dad hangs the mirror and they leave. The slam of the door causes the screw to start coming out of the wall. Papus comments that this is what happens when you are in a rush to finish. Understanding he is the only one who can stop the mirror from falling Papus tells Nolik they will need to postpone their fishing trip a bit. Papus starts to secure the mirror with some wire, but runs out of wire before he can finish. He decides that the wire will be strong enough to hold it while he takes Nolik fishing. Suddenly Dad and Tom Thomas come back - they have forgotten their fishing rods. This time the slamming door causes the wire to come untied, the screw to pop out, and the mirror to crash to the floor. Dad and Tom Thomas understand that now there is no way they can go fishing today, they’ll have to go to the store for a new mirror and the proper screws. Papus and Nolik also cancel their fishing trip. At least the fish in the aquarium are happy with the change of plans.
The Backpack
The Backpack
Tom Thomas is not having any luck fitting all of his school things into his backpack. He envys the Fixies who have pack-o-mats that can produce anything they need on command. Nolik and Tom Thomas decide to turn Tom Thomas’ backpack into a big pack-o-mat. First, they attach multi-colored strings to the objects inside so with just a pull on the appropriate cord he can get whatever he wants from inside the backpack. It works perfectly summoning a small eraser, but is unsuccessful with a heavy textbook. Simka laughs at the duo’s efforts. The boys are sure they can make this work and they’ll show Simka! Nolik secretly hides inside the backpack and throws out whatever Tom Thomas asks for. At first Simka can’t believe her eyes as objects come flying out of his backpack, but when the book won’t appear on command Simka figures out what has been going on and reveals Nolik inside the backpack struggling with the heavy object. Simka teaches them that the secret of a backpack working well is very simple: if it is packed carefully, anything can be taken out with ease.
The Blood Test
The Blood Test
Tom Thomas shows off some cool martial arts moves to Simka and Nolik explaining that his Dad has signed him up for a martial arts class. By the time he finishes these classes he’ll be ready to star as a super hero in the movies. Tom Thomas’ mom tells him that tomorrow morning he will go get the blood test required for entrance into the class. Suddenly Tom Thomas loses his interest in taking the class and suggests that maybe something like a chess class would be better. Mom asks him if he is scared of having the blood test and Tom Thomas says of course he isn’t. Mom tells him that he can’t eat before the test, that it needs to be taken on an empty stomach. This gives Tom Thomas the idea that if he “accidently” eats something he won’t be able to have his blood drawn. Simka and Nolik figure out his plan and stop his repeated attempts to sneak some food. This gets Tom Thomas so angry he tells the Fixies they aren’t his friends any more. Simka and Nolik are worried they spoiled their friendship with their human friend, but when Tom Thomas returns full of excitement, things soon return to normal. Tom Thomas was a brave boy with the blood test and even has a certificate to prove it. He promises Nolik he will teach him some of the cool martial arts moves he is going to learn in his new class.
The Telescope
The Telescope
Simka, Toola and Fire clean and lubricate the telescope in Tom Thomas’ apartment to make sure it is working properly as Buggy spins a web nearby. The Fixie kids are waiting for Nolik who is late. With their work on the telescope done, Simka leaves a note for Nolik on her fixietab, and the kids fly off to work on other devices. Nolik arrives to find everyone missing. When he looks into the telescope he sees a terrible monster with a huge mouth and sharp teeth. Nolik finds Simka's fixietab on the floor next to the telescope and concludes that the monster must have eaten his sister. Toola arrives and Nolik tells her about the monster, now Toola is afraid as well. The panic builds with the arrival of Simka. Now they are all afraid the monster has gotten Fire. With each telling Nolik’s monster seems to grow bigger and bigger. Nolik, Simka, and Toola find Fire tangled up in some wires inside the computer. The older Fixie kids decide must go and catch the monster, and the best way to lure him is to use Nolik as the bait, since the monster has already spotted him. But when the “monster” appears, the Fixie kids discover it isn’t a monster at all, it’s just Buggy. But how is that possible? The monster Nolik saw was huge with sharp pointy teeth! Simka asks Buggy to go back out in front of the telescope where he was earlier and and for Nolik to look through the viewfinder. Nolik sees the “monster” but now understands that it was just his spider friend distorted by the optics of the telescope.
The Jewel
The Jewel
Tom Thomas is upset - a shiny jewel has fallen off a pendant he made as a gift for Katya. Simka and Nolik decide to help him look for it. At first they suspect Chewsocka took it until Toola and Verda arrive saying they think it might be in a flowerpot across the room. Why would they think that? As it turns out, they came across this stone themselves and buried it there. But now it is gone! So, maybe it was Chewsocka after all. Just as Nolik is ready to fly inside the mouth of the dog, Fire and Digit arrive on their fixieboards. It turns out that they had actually found the jewel Toola and Verda buried and hid it somewhere else themselves. The Fixies rejoice that they have finally found the lost jewel for Tom Thomas, but the stone falls from the table and falls directly into the mouth of Chewsocka! Is everything now lost? No! The noble dog presents the jewel to his owner. Hooray! Digit, however, clarifies that the stone is clearly not a diamond, but just a cut piece of plain glass. Tom Thomas isn’t bothered by this fact at all, he already knew it was glass. The happy boy runs off to give his gift to Katya. Now Nolik is upset – why was he risking his life for the sake of a piece of glass? Simka explains to him that his efforts were not for the sake of the glass, but for the sake of his friend. Furthermore, the value of a gift is not in how much it costs, but rather in the thought that went into it.
The Star
The Star
Professor Eugenius achieves his lifelong dream of discovering a new star and his schievement is a real sensation in the scientific world. When journalists from “Simply Space Magazine” visit the laboratory for their cover story “Discovery of a New Star” they accidently photograph Verda hiding as a screw in the frame together with Professor Eugenius. When Verda soon finds herself sharing the cover photo with the Professor, her new found fame goes straight to her head. Now Verda thinks she is a real star! She suggests to Eugenius that he name the star after her and starts demanding that her Fixie classmates give her the attention she deserves. The friends decide to play along with her star fever supplying her with a red carpet and crown. But things don’t turn out like Verda had hoped when she learns that the star is not called “Verda” but rather “VE03732”. The next day at school the Fixie kids play a joke putting VE03732 on the class attendance sheet in place of the name Verda. Grandpus is confused. Is this a new student? Yes, the kids tell their teacher, and she is a real star. Everyone, including Verda has a good laugh about it.
Nolik wants to join his Simka and go to the laboratory of Professor Eugenius to complete an important task she will be doing with Fire and Digit. Simka doesn’t want him to go because she thinks he is too impatient to handle the work. Nolik wants to prove to Simka it isn’t true and asks her to give him a test to prove he is capable of demanding work. Simka challenges her brother to track 100 glasses of water passing through the water filter in the kitchen. At first things are going well as Nolik secretly observes different family members come into the kitchen to use water: Dad drinks a glass of water, Mom pours water it into a pan for cooking, Chewsocka's empty water bowl is refilled… Nolik thinks he is well on his way to reaching those 100 glasses, but soon the action comes to a standstill. For the next several hours no one comes into the kitchen at all. When Tom Thomas finally comes in for something to drink, he opens the refrigerator for milk. Nolik convinces him drinking water is a much better choice, and then actually talks him into drinking glass after glass until he is so full he thinks he is going to burst. Suddenly a red light on the filter lights up. Nolik calls Simka on his fixiephone to alert her to the emergency – the water filter is broken! Simka, Fire and Digit arrive and Digit informs Nolik that it isn’t broken at all, that the light is just an indicator that it’s time to replace the water pitcher’s old filter with a fresh one. The filter is replaced and the warning light turns back off, but Tom Thomas hurries out of the room when his body gives him a warning signal of its own that he’d better run to the bathroom!
The Traffic Light
The Traffic Light
Tom Thomas and the Fixies kids are playing on the carpet with his model car set. Today the set has a new addition – a working traffic light. Fire is behind the wheel of a radio-controlled car that Tom Thomas is operating, Simka is working the train-crossing signal, and Toola is playing the part of a pedestrian. Nolik rushes in to admire the new traffic light and crosses the street while the light is red. Fire, heading rights towards him in the car, manages to avoid hitting Nolik, but he crashes into the traffic light, sending him flying out of the car. Luckily Fire lands safely on Tom Thomas' bed. The traffic light is ruined. Everyone begins to shame Nolik for not paying attention to the traffic signal. Nolik tries to avoid getting blamed for the accident by claiming the traffic light was green. His friends wonder if Nolik is colorblind. Nolik happily accepts this excuse and when challenged by the others pretends he can’t identify the color of anything. Tom Thomas and the Fixies have a plan to uncover Nolik’s trick. They purposely fix the traffic light so it doesn’t work correctly and make Nolik believe that Fire is going to hit Toola as she crosses the street. Nolik screams that the traffic light is green in all directions! But how could he know that if he is colorblind? Nolik admits he was faking it.
The Rock
The Rock
Tom Thomas returns from a camping trip and shows Simka and Nolik some ancient fossils he found. Among them is an amazing object he discovered – a rock that seems to hold a fossilized screw. The Fixie kids wonder - could this fossil actually be the petrified remains of an ancient Fixie? After all, in moments of danger Fixies turn themselves into screws to hide, and if there were no energy around that Fixie would have stayed in that state forever. Tom Thomas, Simka and Nolik try to revive their ancestor with the help of electricity and magic incantations. They even create the setting of a prehistoric cave for their attempts, so when the Fixie awakens from his hibernation he won’t be afraid of today’s strange modern world. But nothing seems to work and the petrified screw shows no signs of life. Tom Thomas’ dad enters, examines the fossils, and solves the riddle. He says that the fossil is that of an ancient sea lily which in fact resembles a screw. Tom Thomas wonders how his dad knows so much about fossils. It ends up that like his son he too liked to collect rocks as a boy. He invites Tom Thomas to his office to see his old collection. Simka and Nolik are left in the room disappointed that their dream of the existence of ancient Fixies wasn’t true. But Nolik doesn’t give up hope. He’s sure one day proof of their existence will emerge. As he walks away he does not see a piece of the stone fall away to reveal the Fixies “Tideesh” symbol on the rock.
The Masquerade
The Masquerade
It’s time for the school’s annual New Year’s Masquerade and Tom Thomas wonders what costume he should wear. Nolik suggests he should go as a Fixie! Tom Thomas makes a blue Fixie costume that looks like Nolik, but as Fire, Digit, Verda and Toola each appear one at a time, they want Tom Thomas to include some aspect of their own look into his costume: Fire’s red hair, Digit’s purple glasses, Verda’s green pack-o-mat, and Toola’s yellow curls. Tom Thomas leaves for the masquerade and Simka appears. She becomes horrified when she learns about the costume because when he has to explain to everyone at the party what he is dressed as, the secret of the Fixies’ existence will be exposed! The Fixie kids admit the error of their ways and worriedly wait for Tom Thomas to return. Tom Thomas returns a few hours later very happy – his costume won first prize! The Fixies are in a panic, but when Tom Thomas embarrassedly shows his certificate, the Fixies mood abruptly changes to laughter. Tom Thomas knew he couldn’t tell anyone at school what he was really dressed as, so he told them he was a robotic toucan! Everyone starts happily dancing and chirping like robotic toucans ready to celebrate the New Year.
Buttered Bread
Buttered Bread
While playing a game on his phone, Tom Thomas eats an open-faced sandwich. When Nolik reminds him that his mom said he shouldn’t eat while playing computer games, Tom Thomas gets flustered and drops the sandwich. It lands on the floor butter side down. Nolik is not surprised all, after all this is the “Law of Buttered Bread”. Tom Thomas doesn’t believe that the law is true, and so he and Nolik perform an experiment to see how various sandwiches will land on the floor. After making a multitude of different sandwiches and dropping them, Tom Thomas is shocked to see them all landing face down. Only the last sandwich, a turkey sandwich, doesn’t land face down. In fact, it doesn’t land at all, freezing in midair! It turns out that Simka and Toola have flown underneath it and stopped it from falling. They reprimand the boys for wasting so much food, demand that they stop the experiment and make them clean up the mess they made in the kitchen. That evening, Tom Thomas and his parents have dinner. Mom wonders why there is so little bread left at home. Tom Thomas admits that he carried out a scientific experiment. While not thrilled by the waste, she says at least his actions were done for the pursuit of scientific knowledge – that it’s better than sitting around playing games all day on your phone. No sooner does she say this than Dad, who is playing a game on his phone, drops the sandwich he is eating. Of course it land face down. Dad says it’s “Murphy’s Law”, but Tom Thomas disagrees. It’s the “Law of Buttered Bread”.
The Detective
The Detective
After watching a detective movie, Fire and Nolik decide they should become detectives. And soon they have their first case when they discover that Professor Eugenius has lost his lucky screwdriver. The young detectives are determined to figure out who took it. First they accuse Digit of taking it because they suspect he wants to take over Professor Eugenius’ job. He denies it, but nevertheless they arrest him. Next they accuse Toola claiming she probably took it because a lucky object could bring her good luck. Suddenly Toola finds herself arrested as well. Simka arrives and refuses to take part in the detectives’ ridiculous behavior. She tells Toola and Digit to simply leave. Fire won’t give up, and when Nolik refuses to arrest Simka, Fire now suspects it was actually Nolik. This causes the group to accuse Fire as being the criminal. As the tensions between the Fixies rise, they hear Eugenius talking to Elisa on the phone. It seems the screwdriver wasn’t stolen at all; Elisa had simply put it back where it belonged in the warehouse. Fire apologizes for his behavior, but is soon excited to hear that Eugenius has misplaced his lucky soldering iron. Now he’s got a new case to solve!
The Pyramid
The Pyramid
Tom Thomas builds a model of an Egyptian pyramid with a labyrinth inside for a school competition. Nolik enters the pyramid hoping to find a mummy inside and quickly finds himself lost and unable to get out of the maze. Fire and Digit go in to rescue him, but they too get lost inside the labyrinth. Simka explains to Tom Thomas a few different ways to get out of a labyrinth and uses one these scientifically sound methods to rescue Nolik, Digit and Fire. She ties one end of a rope around her waist and the other end outside the entrance. When she finds the boys inside she can easily lead them back out of the pyramid. Nolik exits last wrapped up in the rope like a mummy. This makes his friends laugh. Tom Thomas leaves for school with his model. He wins the contest because he knew the answer to the question of how to successfully pass through a maze.
The Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse
Tom Thomas dreams of watching the upcoming solar eclipse and together with Simka. They start building a pinhole camera from a cardboard box to watch the eclips and protect their eyesight from its harmful rays. Nolik is not excited about the eclipse at all, in fact he is in panic that it will throw the world into darkness and it will never become light again - that the moon will suddenly stop in its orbit and the end of the world will come. While Tom Thomas and Simka build the simple “camera obscura” to observe the celestial phenomenon, Nolik gathers batteries for a flashlight so they will have light after the eternal darkness takes over. The eclipse begins and Tom Thomas and Simka watch it through the camera with wonder. Nolik unfortunately hides in fear and misses the fantastic event. Tom Thomas promises Nolik he will keep the pinhole camera until the next eclipse, and in the meantime use the box it is made out of to store the batteries.
The Pencil
The Pencil
For his mom’s birthday, Tom Thomas has painted her portrait in pencil. Nolik and Fire discover the portrait as Tom Thomas is sleeping and decide they can improve it. They add details found in a variety of masterpieces to the portrait of Tom Thomas’s mother: giving her long hair, a hat, a bowl of fruit, a pet dog, and finally a mustache and beard. When Tom Thomas wakes up he can’t believe his eyes. There’s no way he can give this to his mom as a portrait of her! Now he doesn’t have a gift at all. In his desperation to fix the picture he ends up actually coloring the entire page black with the pencil. Suddenly Fire and Nolik have an idea of how they can transform the picture. They can use an eraser to create white lines within the black field. They decide to paint a still life on the page rather than a portrait. It works! Mom thanks her son for the lovely picture. She admires its original technique and is ready to hang it up in the kitchen where they will now go for her birthday breakfast.
The Baby Doll
The Baby Doll
Tom Thomas is waiting for the delivery of a new remote controlled car, but when the box arrives he is surprised to find that a baby doll was sent by mistake. He tells his mom and she calls the store to and arranges to send back the doll and get the car that Tom Thomas really wanted. Toola is disappointed to learn that doll will be going back. She thinks it is really cute and enjoys helping Tom Thomas feed her and entertain her. Tom Thomas is embarrassed that when he feeds her the doll says “Mama”. Soon Tom Thomas finds the baby doll taking more and more of his attention from the games he would rather be playing. Frustrated he hides the baby doll in the kitchen. Toola is very sad about the doll’s disappearance; it has become like a real live baby for her. Toola is terribly worried about the doll and starts to imagine all of the terrible things that may have happened to her. Seeing how upset Toola has become Tom Thomas runs to the kitchen to retrieve the doll, but now it is gone! Tom Thomas is relieved to see that his mom did not send it back yet, and he tells her that he changed his mind, he will keep the doll instead of getting the new car. Toola is thrilled by the doll’s return, and the doll seems to be happy too – when Tom Thomas picks her up she says “Papa”!
The Heart
The Heart
Tom Thomas has a dilemma - he doesn’t know which club to join at school – should he join the Robotics Club with Johnny, or the Chess Club with Katya? Mom tells him to listen to his heart for the answer. Tom Thomas talks with Nolik about his problem, but Nolik acts disinterested and flies off on his fixieboard for Fixie School. At school, Grandpus asks Nolik to help move a battery, but Nolik wonders why he has to do it when Toola is right there. His grandfather accuses him of being heartless with his indifference to help those in need. Nolik recalls that he did not help Tom Thomas either and goes back to him. He suggests that Tom Thomas listen to his heart with his mother’s stethoscope. But Tom Thomas does not hear any advice through the stethoscope, just the steady beating of his heart. Nolik tells him to try again and sneaks in between the stethoscope and Tom Thomas’ chest. He pretends to be the voice of Tom Thomas’ heart telling him to choose the Robotics Club. Tom Thomas figures out Nolik’s trick. Nolik is upset that he could not help his friend. But Tom Thomas tells Nolik he actually did help him finally make a decision – he wants to join the Medical Club!
Fire and Nolik think they make the coolest team on the whole planet! Working together they are able to escape Chewsocka’s pursuit. They decide they should do everything together and never fight. When they arrive at Fixie School Grandpus asks them to get glue from the warehouse so they can repair the broken handle on Professor Eugenius’ favorite mug. They locate a tube of glue in the warehouse, but in the process of checking whether there is glue in it they become stuck together, one hand of Nolik’s with one of Fire’s. What a lucky break, their dream of being inseparable has come true! At first it is a lot of fun and the other Fixie kids are really amused by it, but soon problems develop when they no longer want to do the same thing. Their disagreement turns into a heated argument and they decide they are no longer friends. Even their hands no longer stick together. In his anger Nolik slips and starts falling right towards Chewsocka’s mouth below. Fire saves him on his fixieboard just before the dog is about to swallow him! The boys apologize to each other and with a handshake are friends once again.
The Marshmallow
The Marshmallow
Simka and Nolik’s parents, Masiya and Papus, have had a quarrel. It seems that Masiya was overwhelmed with chores to finish before the New Year’s celebration and she had asked Papus to get Simka and Nolik so they all could help. But when Masiya found Papus, he was busy playing a game with the kids on their fixiephone. Masiya became furious and stormed off. Now she and Papus are not speaking to each other. Simka and Nolik are worried that if this fight continues their family will not celebrate the New Year together. Tom Thomas suggests that the kids get the parents face to face so they will be forced to talk to one another. Simka and Nolik make a bouquet of flowers from little marshmallows and then trick their parents into meeting by telling them separately there is an emergency they need to help out with. Masiya and Papus suddenly find themselves face to face. The Fixie kids secretly place a bouquet of “flowers” into their father’s hand that he gives to his wife as a gift. Masiya is flattered by the gesture. Their anger subsides and they apologize to one another for getting angry. They call for their children so they can be together to celebrate the ringing in of the New Year.
Tom Thomas is playing against the Fixie kids in a game of table hockey. Tom Thomas is determined to win this time around. The Fixies get off to a lead because they have a powerful team and he plays alone. Katya arrives in Tom Thomas’s room; she has stopped by the apartment to pick up a recipe for her mom. At first Katya is disinterested in the hockey game, but when she starts paying more attention to what is going on, she finds her interest growing. She grabs a tablet and looks up hockey strategy on the Internet. At first Tom Thomas is not pleased to have her yell out advice, but when he finds her ideas working he becomes much receptive. Soon Katya has joined Tom Thomas as a player on his side of the board and they beat the Fixies. Dad enters the room and the Fixies hide. Dad tells Tom Thomas it is time to leave for the real hockey game they will be attending that evening. Katya asks if she can join them, she has really learned to appreciate the exciting game. Mom decides she would be happy to go along as well. They all leave for the game. Back in Tom Thomas’ room the Fixies come out of hiding. Nolik is perplexed - how could this happen, how could they have lost, aren’t the Fixies a team? Simka points out that now Tom Thomas has a team as well, and they don’t give up. Nolik says Tom Thomas’ team just had beginner’s luck, that’s all. Wait until next time!


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The Toilet
The Toilet
Tom Thomas notices that the water in the toilet keeps running. Simka and Nolik say that they shouldn’t mess with the bowl because Fixies can get flushed down the drain. They call Papus for help and ask Tom Thomas to guard the door to make sure no one comes and flushes the toilet. Mom calls for Tom Thomas to go to the kitchen. When he comes back a minute later he finds the door to the bathroom locked. It must be his dad in there! Tom Thomas knocks on the door and asks Dad not to flush the toilet under any condition. Dad is surprised to hear such a strange request and answers that he only wants to take a shower. Tom Thomas says that the toilet broke. Dad doesn’t listen Tom Thomas’ warnings and flushes the toilet to check if it works. Tom Thomas is in despair. He thinks he’ll never see his Fixie friends again. But Simka and Nolik return. They heard the conversation between Tom Thomas and his dad, so they had time to climb out of the tank.
The Wheel
The Wheel
Nolik is playing with Toola and Digit but suddenly he leaves his friends and runs to Tom Thomas. Tom Thomas promised to give him a bike ride. Toola and Digit would also like to go on a ride but Nolik is against this idea. He says that Tom Thomas is his personal friend and invited only him, Nolik! However, Tom Thomas can’t go anywhere because the front wheel on his bike keeps deflating. He needs the help of a real Fixie. Nolik hasn’t studied about bicycle wheels yet because he is too young. Like it or not Nolik needs to call Toola and Digit for help. Together the Fixies and Tom Thomas find the hole in the tire and patch it up. The bike is ready to go! But Toola and Digit hesitate: no one invited them for a ride. Tom Thomas doesn’t understand their confusion: they are all friends! So he helps them climb onto the bike’s handlebar. The front door opens and all four of them are off for a fun trip!
Tom Thomas keeps touching dirty things before lunch and his mom sends him to wash his hands again and again. He is upset because he thinks that washing hands is waste of time. Simka stands up for Tom Thomas’ mom and offers to show him germs through the microscope in Dad’s office. Tom Thomas and Nolik get so scared by what they see that they decide to wash not only their hands with soap but also the whole room and everything in it, including the soap itself! When Mom enters Tom Thomas’ room to clean it up, she realizes that there is nothing in there for her to do: the room is sparkling clean. As his mom inspects the room, Tom Thomas wipes away all of the finger prints his mom leaves as she touches the furniture. He even rubs his forehead clean after Mom strokes his head with praise!
The Sieve
The Sieve
Tom Thomas and his dad decide to make a surprise for Mom for when she comes back from a business trip: to bake her favorite buns with raisins. Neither of them knows anything about baking. However, the Fixies, who are hiding in one of the kitchen cabinets, help Tom Thomas. They tell him where the recipe, the mixer, and flour are. The problem is that there are no raisins in the house! The Fixies suggest that Tom Thomas should pick out the raisins from some cereal. But picking out raisins one by one would take way too long. The Fixies come up with the smart idea of using a sieve to separate the cereal from the raisins. Tom Thomas quickly finishes this task while Dad makes a mess doing his part of the job: milk sprays out of the mixer all over the kitchen and pieces of batter splatter onto the floor! In the end all the of difficulties are overcome and Mom’s surprise is ready. She is happy! When she asks who managed to do such a good job, she finds out that all of the problems were solved by Tom Thomas.
The Exercise Machine
The Exercise Machine
Tom Thomas sees Nolik hiding in a box of tacks. Soon, there is going to be a race between the fixie-girls and the fixie-boys, and little Nolik is afraid of letting his team down. Tom Thomas suggests that Nolik should start training instead of hiding. With the help of his construction set he builds a toy treadmill for Nolik and both of them bring each other to the point of exhaustion with training. On the day of the race it looks like Nolik can’t be counted on, so Fire thinks it’s crucial for him and Digit to win the first two laps. But Digit loses to Simka. Fire is disappointed but suddenly Nolik briskly outruns Toola. It looks like the victory will belong to the boys! But things make a sudden turn when Toola falls into a bottle as she runs through an obstacle zone. Without thinking twice, Nolik runs back to rescue her. They both cross the finish line at the same time. The friendship wins, and little Nolik becomes his friends’ hero!
The Umbrella
The Umbrella
Professor Eugenius and the Fixies are fixing a pully in the laboratory. Toola comes in late carrying an umbrella for some unknown reason. She explains to her surprised friends that according to omens it is going to rain. For instance, Tom Thomas’ dad was going to wash his car and that is a sure sign of rain. Toola’s friends laugh at her superstitious beliefs, but she keeps finding new omens that support her idea about the upcoming rain. Finally, Grandpus can’t stand it any longer and lays out an indisputable argument: they are indoors where it just can’t rain. Irritated, Grandpus smashes a part with a sledgehammer a bit too hard, sending the part flying into the air and triggering the fire extinguisher system. Water starts sprinkling from the ceiling! It turns out that Toola’s omen came true. She is happy to dance with her umbrella and soon everyone else joins in the fun.
The Iron
The Iron
Professor Eugenius is getting ready to go to a ceremony where he will receive the “Genius of the Year” award. Nolik and Toola jokingly ask him to say greetings to the Fixies during the TV broadcast of the awards, but Simka stops them: if he does, everyone will learn about the Fixies’ secret existence! The professor’s assistant, Elisa, decides that the suit wrinkled Eugenius is planning to wear to the ceremony must be ironed urgently. She accidently pours juice into the iron instead of water. It seems like her idea has gone down the drain. Elisa faints. The Fixies tell Eugenius to go save Elisa while they will try saving the iron. Later that day Elisa sits in front of the TV and admiringly looks at Eugenius in his well-ironed suit. During the ceremony Eugenius is on the verge of accidently greeting the Fixies! The Fixies shrink in horror in front of the TV screen! But Eugenius suddenly remembers about their agreement and gets himself out of this situation. The Fixies can breath again. Elisa looks at Eugenius’ beautiful suit but then lowers her eyes and sees him wearing red sneakers that are absolutely unsuitable for such a formal event.
Tom Thomas feasts his eyes on a chocolate ball. Nolik really want to know what toy is inside the candy, but Tom Thomas asks him to wait till the next morning when they can open it together. Tom Thomas goes to sleep but Nolik’s curiosity grows stronger and stronger! Verda and Simka arrive on their fixie-boards. They start persuading Nolik to open the ball and check what’s inside. Nolik tells them that he and Tom Thomas agreed not to open it, but the girls think that if they do everything carefully, Tom Thomas won’t ever notice. Unfortunately, they bang into the ball and it falls onto the table and breaks. How can it be fixed? The Fixies use a torch to melt the chocolate and turn it back into a ball. At this moment Nolik comes up with a brilliant idea… Morning. Tom Thomas comes in and takes the chocolate ball. He enjoys looking at it but he remembers that he can’t open it without Nolik. Simka and Verda arrive and start tempting him to forget his promise and just open the ball. Tom Thomas breaks the ball and takes out the toy. It’s nothing but a regular little screw. Tom Thomas doesn’t hide his disappointment but suddenly the screw jumps up and turns into Nolik! Tom Thomas is astonished but he quickly figures out that Nolik must have broken his promise. But Nolik points out that Tom Thomas broke the promise too. Everyone has a good laugh.
The Spider
The Spider
Tom Thomas pets Chewsocka explaining to the Fixies that his dog is not only his pet, but also his friend. Nolik say that he also has a pet – a little spider named Buggy. Nolik and Simka introduce Buggy to Tom Thomas. Tom Thomas shows the Fixies that Chewsocka can do different tricks. Buggy only puts out her paw but gets scared when she hears other commands. Nolik gets angry and yells at Buggy. Buggy cowers and runs away. Simka convinces Nolik that real friends can’t be treated like that, and sends him to go find Buggy and apologize. Nolik is looking for Buggy in the dark air ducts. All of a sudden he falls to the bottom of a deep pipe. His fixieboard is broken and his leg has been hurt. Suddenly Buggy appears in front of him but soon runs away. Nolik thinks that Buggy is angry that he yelled at him and that nobody will ever find him. But just a little later Buggy appears again, but this time together with Simka. Nolik’s sister bandages his leg and takes him back to Tom Thomas’ room. Nolik tells Tom Thomas and Simka that he learned that Buggy is a real friend.
Fire, Verda, Digit, and Toola are fixing a printer in Professor Eugenius’ laboratory. They have to constantly ask each other for help. Gradually each one of them gets a feeling that the others use his or her help much more than he or she gets help from them. They see Professor’s assistant, Elisa, collecting money for her work. This gives them an idea to print their own money, even though Fixies never had it before. With the help of a hole-puncher and a stamp they make paper coins and start paying each other for help. To be fair, they put some of the money aside for Simka and Nolik. But things soon get out of hand as the Fixies start changing prices, asking for more than usual for their services, and some of them end up without any money left at all. The whole idea of money has led to nothing but squabbles and hard feelings. Then Simka and Nolik shower their friends with a heap of confetti designed to look just like their money. The money is now worthless and friendly support and help are highly valued once again. The Fixies finish repairing the printer and print out a word that unites them – “Friendship”.
The Toothpaste
The Toothpaste
Tom Thomas plays astronauts with the Fixies. A tube of toothpaste serves as make-believe astronauts’ food. Suddenly, their parents enter and tell them that this toothpaste is a part of a scientific experiment. Tom Thomas’ dad needs to regularly brush his teeth with it while Mom monitors the results. Tom Thomas really wants to take part in the experiment but his mom says that he is still lacking responsibility for such a serious task: he doesn’t clean up his room, and the plant on his windowsill is wilting. Tom Thomas is completely intrigued by the mysterious toothpaste, but the Fixies, who view science as the most important thing, don’t let him even touch it. Tom Thomas keeps trying to get some of the toothpaste with a multitude of comical attempts, but the Fixies catch him each time. Finally, Tom Thomas cleans up his room, waters the plant and asks his parents to entrust him with participation in the scientific experiment. The parents agree. In private Tom Thomas’ parents are proud of their scheme to trick Tom Thomas into acting more responsibly. The Fixies hear this but decide not to tell Tom Thomas anything because it wouldn’t be right to interrupt the experiment!
The Dishwasher
The Dishwasher
Nolik and Simka argue with their parents, Papus and Masiya, about who has more cares in their lives. In the end they decide to make a bet and trade places for the day. The winners will be the team that manages to deal best with the ordinary day-to-day duties of their opponents. The losers will have to fulfill a wish of the winners. Masiya and Papus go to school instead of their children while Nolik and Simka take Papus’ big pack-o-mat and start repairing a dishwasher. It’s not going well for either of them. Masiya gets an F instead of Simka and both she and Papus get exhausted playing sports games with their classmates. Simka and Nolik can’t figure out why the dishwasher is broken. Neither of two teams admits defeat and they go for the second round. Nolik suddenly discovers the dishwasher’s problem - a button stuck in the wrong position. The kids find Papus and Masiya dressed in silly carnival costumes and play hide and seek with Tom Thomas – they refuse to give up! Both sides decide it is tie –and both teams decide to fulfill each other’s wishes – the parents will fix Simka’s bad grade, and the kids will play with Tom Thomas.
The Fasteners
The Fasteners
Grandpus gives a lesson to Fire, Simka, and Nolik at the warehouse. He teaches them to screw themselves into a wall in case of emergency breakdowns. Simka and Fire do the task with ease but Nolik is scared because once he had screwed himself into an appliance that was plugged in and got a terrible shock. Grandpus decides to be an example for Nolik and he screws into a shelving unit. Unfortunately, he is unable to unscrew himself without help. Professor Eugenius tries to help Grandpus but he loses his footing and falls down. Soon he is buried in boxes that have fallen on him and he can’t get up. The shelving unit tilts and a heavy electric motor is about to fall from the top shelf right on Professor Eugenius! The only thing that can save Eugenius is to securely screw the shelves into the wall. Simka and Fire quickly screw themselves into empty holes but it’s not enough to stabilize the unit. One more screw is needed! Nolik overcomes his fear, takes a daring leap and screws himself into an empty opening. Whew! The shelves are secured! But who is going to free Eugenius from under the boxes? The only hope is for him to wait for his assistant Elisa to return from her vacation later that day. Hope her plane lands on time!
The Window
The Window
Tom Thomas’ mom borrows a window cleaning robot from a neighbor and would like to get one for her own family. However, Tom Thomas’ dad doesn’t want to spend the money and claims that he can do an excellent job of cleaning the windows himself. Instead of buying the robot he proposes the money would be better spent buying a new skating board for Tom Thomas. Mom thinks that Dad should prove his skills and wash the window in his home office while the robot cleans the tiles in the kitchen. The competition begins. Dad’s attempt is not going very well at all. He is afraid of heights so he attaches a sponge to a ski pole. Tom Thomas understands that the robot might win, so he starts sabotaging it, making dirty spots on tiles that the robot has already cleaned. But Nolik and Simka take the robot under their protection. They never let anybody to do an injustice to an appliance. All of Tom Thomas’ attempts fail. The Fixies remind their friends that a true victory can’t come from cheating. Dad ends up doing only half of his job. He is afraid to wash the window from the outside and offers that the robot finish. Hurrah! Mom and the Fixies win!
The Helicopter
The Helicopter
Simka, Toola and Verda are gathered around a pack-o-mat in Professor Eugenius’ laboratory ready to take part in something “important” when they are suddenly disturbed by a loud noise. It’s Fire and Nolik flying around the lab in a radio-controlled helicopter being controlled from the ground by Digit. The girls try to get Digit to land the helicopter by flirting with him, but this only distracts him and he loses control of the helicopter. As the helicopter plunges towards the ground the girls rescue Fire and Nolik with their fixieboards. The boys understand that before they fly the helicopter again they need proper training like real pilots to fly it safely. They assemble a helicopter simulator and begin their training. The girls can finally get some peace from those silly boys and go back to their “important business” – deciding what they should do with the two jewels they found inside of Verda’s pack-o-mat.
The Coffeemaker
The Coffeemaker
It’s morning and Tom Thomas’ mother is upset about how many things she has to do at work that day! She doesn’t know how she will manage. What she needs is good cup of coffee to get her day going in the right direction. But even the coffee machine doesn’t want to cooperate, deciding it needs to run through its time consuming self-cleaning process. Frustrated, Mom hits the device and it shuts off completely. Mom is so upset she starts to cry. Tom Thomas, knowing that Simka and Masiya are hiding inside the broken coffee machine, reassures his mom that the machine will work again as long as it is treated kindly. Mom is skeptical but soon becomes a believer as the machine appears to fix itself. Mom is ecstatic when the coffeemaker brews her the fresh cup of coffee she so desperately wanted. For Mom, it looks like a miracle, and her own son like a magician. Simka is so carried away by their heroic deed she wants Mom to believe the coffeemaker can even sing “Ah, my dear Augustine” nearly giving up her secret existence to Mom in the process. But with some quick thinking Tom Thomas manages to cover Simka’s over enthusiasm and Mom leaves for work in a happy mood singing “Ah, my dear Augustine” herself!
The Time Machine
The Time Machine
Grandpus installs an unknown device at Fixie School. As a joke, Fire convinces Toola that it’s a time machine. Toola is very nervous about an upcoming exam at school and so her Fixie classmates offer to use the time machine to send her to “tomorrow” so she can rehearse taking the test. The Fixie kids “send” Toola to the future, pretending they are really sitting in class on the day of the test. The only thing odd is that Simka is administering the test instead of Grandpus. When Toola asks why, she is told that Grandpus got hurt when Toola dropped a bolt on his head the day before. Toola quiets her nerves and gets through the test. Simka announces that Toola actually had the best result in the class. A confident Toola returns back to the “present” in the time machine and rushes to give Grandpus a helmet to protect his head from getting hit. Grandpus is completely confused by her action. The next day Toola arrives to take the real test and is relieved to find that Grandpus did not get hurt – the helmet must have worked! At first she is nervous about the test but then calms down remembering how well she did at the rehearsal. She gets all of the answers right except one, identifying that mysterious device that Grandpus had installed at Fixie School – she answered that it was a time machine, but Grandpus reveals it is simply a timer for automatically watering flowers.
Tom Thomas’ dad mysteriously asks him for an empty plastic water bottle. Tom Thomas, Simka and Nolik hear snippets of his dad’s conversation that he intends to begin an operation to save the planet. Tom Thomas wonders if his dad is a real superhero. Simka, however, suggests that he simply intends to collect the plastic and separate it from the rest of the trash for recycling. More mysterious conversations from his continue to fascinate Tom Thomas, and Tom Thomas to help his father with his special “heroic operation”! Dad reveals what Simka had suspected, that he is simply collecting plastic that can be recycled as a way to help save the planet. Tom Thomas and his dad leave home with a batch of plastic for recycling. Nolik is sad that he can’t join them, but Simka assures him that the Fixies do their part for the environment by repairing things so they will last longer and not get thrown out as often. That means that the Fixies can also consider themselves superheroes of the planet.
The Frying Pan
The Frying Pan
Flying on their fixieboards, Simka and Nolik argue over which of them is more dexterous. Simka challenges Nolik to perform their acrobatics on ice. Nolik is brave and accepts the challenge, but there's a problem - the Fixies don’t have an ice rink. Tom Thomas quickly pours and freezes some water in a frying pan. Now the siblings have a rink for their contest. Nolik goes first and does quite well, but his skills can’t compare to the dazzling ice skating display of his sister. But Simka’s bragging is too much to bear, and so Nolik and Tom Thomas have a plan to slow Simka down. Nolik distracts Simka as Tom Thomas sprinkles some table salt on the ice, causing it to melt. This makes Simka to fall and accidentally scratch the non-stick coating on the frying pan. Simka offers to repair the pan, which is Tom Thomas’ mom’s favorite for making pancakes, but only under the condition that they both he and Nolik jump on one leg a hundred times. The boys agree and Simka fixes the pan with her pack-o-mat before Mom returns. As Mom makes pancakes she can’t understand why Tom Thomas is hopping up and down. He tells her it’s to make his leg stronger. Also hopping up and down, Nolik tells Simka she could never do what he is doing on the ice, and she is willing to bet him, but Nolik decides that isn’t a good idea.
Tom Thomas and his dad are getting ready to go fishing. Nolik wishes he could go fishing too. Papus explains to Nolik that Fixies don’t catch fish, but Nolik begs his dad to at least go make-believe fishing at the aquarium. Just as Tom Thomas and his dad are about to leave the apartment, Mom sadly reminds them that the mirror in the corridor is still not hung as promised. As she heads out the door, Dad promises her he will hang it now before they leave. He tells Tom Thomas it won’t take but a minute as he grabs a drill and a screw made to go into concrete. Unfortunately the only screw they have is not really big enough to hold the mirror. Tom Thomas and Dad understand that this means an unwanted trip to the hardware store, so Dad convinces himself that the screw will be good enough to at least hold it for a few days until he has more time to do it right. Dad hangs the mirror and they leave. The slam of the door causes the screw to start coming out of the wall. Papus comments that this is what happens when you are in a rush to finish. Understanding he is the only one who can stop the mirror from falling Papus tells Nolik they will need to postpone their fishing trip a bit. Papus starts to secure the mirror with some wire, but runs out of wire before he can finish. He decides that the wire will be strong enough to hold it while he takes Nolik fishing. Suddenly Dad and Tom Thomas come back - they have forgotten their fishing rods. This time the slamming door causes the wire to come untied, the screw to pop out, and the mirror to crash to the floor. Dad and Tom Thomas understand that now there is no way they can go fishing today, they’ll have to go to the store for a new mirror and the proper screws. Papus and Nolik also cancel their fishing trip. At least the fish in the aquarium are happy with the change of plans.
The Backpack
The Backpack
Tom Thomas is not having any luck fitting all of his school things into his backpack. He envys the Fixies who have pack-o-mats that can produce anything they need on command. Nolik and Tom Thomas decide to turn Tom Thomas’ backpack into a big pack-o-mat. First, they attach multi-colored strings to the objects inside so with just a pull on the appropriate cord he can get whatever he wants from inside the backpack. It works perfectly summoning a small eraser, but is unsuccessful with a heavy textbook. Simka laughs at the duo’s efforts. The boys are sure they can make this work and they’ll show Simka! Nolik secretly hides inside the backpack and throws out whatever Tom Thomas asks for. At first Simka can’t believe her eyes as objects come flying out of his backpack, but when the book won’t appear on command Simka figures out what has been going on and reveals Nolik inside the backpack struggling with the heavy object. Simka teaches them that the secret of a backpack working well is very simple: if it is packed carefully, anything can be taken out with ease.
The Blood Test
The Blood Test
Tom Thomas shows off some cool martial arts moves to Simka and Nolik explaining that his Dad has signed him up for a martial arts class. By the time he finishes these classes he’ll be ready to star as a super hero in the movies. Tom Thomas’ mom tells him that tomorrow morning he will go get the blood test required for entrance into the class. Suddenly Tom Thomas loses his interest in taking the class and suggests that maybe something like a chess class would be better. Mom asks him if he is scared of having the blood test and Tom Thomas says of course he isn’t. Mom tells him that he can’t eat before the test, that it needs to be taken on an empty stomach. This gives Tom Thomas the idea that if he “accidently” eats something he won’t be able to have his blood drawn. Simka and Nolik figure out his plan and stop his repeated attempts to sneak some food. This gets Tom Thomas so angry he tells the Fixies they aren’t his friends any more. Simka and Nolik are worried they spoiled their friendship with their human friend, but when Tom Thomas returns full of excitement, things soon return to normal. Tom Thomas was a brave boy with the blood test and even has a certificate to prove it. He promises Nolik he will teach him some of the cool martial arts moves he is going to learn in his new class.
The Telescope
The Telescope
Simka, Toola and Fire clean and lubricate the telescope in Tom Thomas’ apartment to make sure it is working properly as Buggy spins a web nearby. The Fixie kids are waiting for Nolik who is late. With their work on the telescope done, Simka leaves a note for Nolik on her fixietab, and the kids fly off to work on other devices. Nolik arrives to find everyone missing. When he looks into the telescope he sees a terrible monster with a huge mouth and sharp teeth. Nolik finds Simka's fixietab on the floor next to the telescope and concludes that the monster must have eaten his sister. Toola arrives and Nolik tells her about the monster, now Toola is afraid as well. The panic builds with the arrival of Simka. Now they are all afraid the monster has gotten Fire. With each telling Nolik’s monster seems to grow bigger and bigger. Nolik, Simka, and Toola find Fire tangled up in some wires inside the computer. The older Fixie kids decide must go and catch the monster, and the best way to lure him is to use Nolik as the bait, since the monster has already spotted him. But when the “monster” appears, the Fixie kids discover it isn’t a monster at all, it’s just Buggy. But how is that possible? The monster Nolik saw was huge with sharp pointy teeth! Simka asks Buggy to go back out in front of the telescope where he was earlier and and for Nolik to look through the viewfinder. Nolik sees the “monster” but now understands that it was just his spider friend distorted by the optics of the telescope.
The Jewel
The Jewel
Tom Thomas is upset - a shiny jewel has fallen off a pendant he made as a gift for Katya. Simka and Nolik decide to help him look for it. At first they suspect Chewsocka took it until Toola and Verda arrive saying they think it might be in a flowerpot across the room. Why would they think that? As it turns out, they came across this stone themselves and buried it there. But now it is gone! So, maybe it was Chewsocka after all. Just as Nolik is ready to fly inside the mouth of the dog, Fire and Digit arrive on their fixieboards. It turns out that they had actually found the jewel Toola and Verda buried and hid it somewhere else themselves. The Fixies rejoice that they have finally found the lost jewel for Tom Thomas, but the stone falls from the table and falls directly into the mouth of Chewsocka! Is everything now lost? No! The noble dog presents the jewel to his owner. Hooray! Digit, however, clarifies that the stone is clearly not a diamond, but just a cut piece of plain glass. Tom Thomas isn’t bothered by this fact at all, he already knew it was glass. The happy boy runs off to give his gift to Katya. Now Nolik is upset – why was he risking his life for the sake of a piece of glass? Simka explains to him that his efforts were not for the sake of the glass, but for the sake of his friend. Furthermore, the value of a gift is not in how much it costs, but rather in the thought that went into it.
The Star
The Star
Professor Eugenius achieves his lifelong dream of discovering a new star and his schievement is a real sensation in the scientific world. When journalists from “Simply Space Magazine” visit the laboratory for their cover story “Discovery of a New Star” they accidently photograph Verda hiding as a screw in the frame together with Professor Eugenius. When Verda soon finds herself sharing the cover photo with the Professor, her new found fame goes straight to her head. Now Verda thinks she is a real star! She suggests to Eugenius that he name the star after her and starts demanding that her Fixie classmates give her the attention she deserves. The friends decide to play along with her star fever supplying her with a red carpet and crown. But things don’t turn out like Verda had hoped when she learns that the star is not called “Verda” but rather “VE03732”. The next day at school the Fixie kids play a joke putting VE03732 on the class attendance sheet in place of the name Verda. Grandpus is confused. Is this a new student? Yes, the kids tell their teacher, and she is a real star. Everyone, including Verda has a good laugh about it.
Nolik wants to join his Simka and go to the laboratory of Professor Eugenius to complete an important task she will be doing with Fire and Digit. Simka doesn’t want him to go because she thinks he is too impatient to handle the work. Nolik wants to prove to Simka it isn’t true and asks her to give him a test to prove he is capable of demanding work. Simka challenges her brother to track 100 glasses of water passing through the water filter in the kitchen. At first things are going well as Nolik secretly observes different family members come into the kitchen to use water: Dad drinks a glass of water, Mom pours water it into a pan for cooking, Chewsocka's empty water bowl is refilled… Nolik thinks he is well on his way to reaching those 100 glasses, but soon the action comes to a standstill. For the next several hours no one comes into the kitchen at all. When Tom Thomas finally comes in for something to drink, he opens the refrigerator for milk. Nolik convinces him drinking water is a much better choice, and then actually talks him into drinking glass after glass until he is so full he thinks he is going to burst. Suddenly a red light on the filter lights up. Nolik calls Simka on his fixiephone to alert her to the emergency – the water filter is broken! Simka, Fire and Digit arrive and Digit informs Nolik that it isn’t broken at all, that the light is just an indicator that it’s time to replace the water pitcher’s old filter with a fresh one. The filter is replaced and the warning light turns back off, but Tom Thomas hurries out of the room when his body gives him a warning signal of its own that he’d better run to the bathroom!
The Traffic Light
The Traffic Light
Tom Thomas and the Fixies kids are playing on the carpet with his model car set. Today the set has a new addition – a working traffic light. Fire is behind the wheel of a radio-controlled car that Tom Thomas is operating, Simka is working the train-crossing signal, and Toola is playing the part of a pedestrian. Nolik rushes in to admire the new traffic light and crosses the street while the light is red. Fire, heading rights towards him in the car, manages to avoid hitting Nolik, but he crashes into the traffic light, sending him flying out of the car. Luckily Fire lands safely on Tom Thomas' bed. The traffic light is ruined. Everyone begins to shame Nolik for not paying attention to the traffic signal. Nolik tries to avoid getting blamed for the accident by claiming the traffic light was green. His friends wonder if Nolik is colorblind. Nolik happily accepts this excuse and when challenged by the others pretends he can’t identify the color of anything. Tom Thomas and the Fixies have a plan to uncover Nolik’s trick. They purposely fix the traffic light so it doesn’t work correctly and make Nolik believe that Fire is going to hit Toola as she crosses the street. Nolik screams that the traffic light is green in all directions! But how could he know that if he is colorblind? Nolik admits he was faking it.
The Rock
The Rock
Tom Thomas returns from a camping trip and shows Simka and Nolik some ancient fossils he found. Among them is an amazing object he discovered – a rock that seems to hold a fossilized screw. The Fixie kids wonder - could this fossil actually be the petrified remains of an ancient Fixie? After all, in moments of danger Fixies turn themselves into screws to hide, and if there were no energy around that Fixie would have stayed in that state forever. Tom Thomas, Simka and Nolik try to revive their ancestor with the help of electricity and magic incantations. They even create the setting of a prehistoric cave for their attempts, so when the Fixie awakens from his hibernation he won’t be afraid of today’s strange modern world. But nothing seems to work and the petrified screw shows no signs of life. Tom Thomas’ dad enters, examines the fossils, and solves the riddle. He says that the fossil is that of an ancient sea lily which in fact resembles a screw. Tom Thomas wonders how his dad knows so much about fossils. It ends up that like his son he too liked to collect rocks as a boy. He invites Tom Thomas to his office to see his old collection. Simka and Nolik are left in the room disappointed that their dream of the existence of ancient Fixies wasn’t true. But Nolik doesn’t give up hope. He’s sure one day proof of their existence will emerge. As he walks away he does not see a piece of the stone fall away to reveal the Fixies “Tideesh” symbol on the rock.
The Masquerade
The Masquerade
It’s time for the school’s annual New Year’s Masquerade and Tom Thomas wonders what costume he should wear. Nolik suggests he should go as a Fixie! Tom Thomas makes a blue Fixie costume that looks like Nolik, but as Fire, Digit, Verda and Toola each appear one at a time, they want Tom Thomas to include some aspect of their own look into his costume: Fire’s red hair, Digit’s purple glasses, Verda’s green pack-o-mat, and Toola’s yellow curls. Tom Thomas leaves for the masquerade and Simka appears. She becomes horrified when she learns about the costume because when he has to explain to everyone at the party what he is dressed as, the secret of the Fixies’ existence will be exposed! The Fixie kids admit the error of their ways and worriedly wait for Tom Thomas to return. Tom Thomas returns a few hours later very happy – his costume won first prize! The Fixies are in a panic, but when Tom Thomas embarrassedly shows his certificate, the Fixies mood abruptly changes to laughter. Tom Thomas knew he couldn’t tell anyone at school what he was really dressed as, so he told them he was a robotic toucan! Everyone starts happily dancing and chirping like robotic toucans ready to celebrate the New Year.
Buttered Bread
Buttered Bread
While playing a game on his phone, Tom Thomas eats an open-faced sandwich. When Nolik reminds him that his mom said he shouldn’t eat while playing computer games, Tom Thomas gets flustered and drops the sandwich. It lands on the floor butter side down. Nolik is not surprised all, after all this is the “Law of Buttered Bread”. Tom Thomas doesn’t believe that the law is true, and so he and Nolik perform an experiment to see how various sandwiches will land on the floor. After making a multitude of different sandwiches and dropping them, Tom Thomas is shocked to see them all landing face down. Only the last sandwich, a turkey sandwich, doesn’t land face down. In fact, it doesn’t land at all, freezing in midair! It turns out that Simka and Toola have flown underneath it and stopped it from falling. They reprimand the boys for wasting so much food, demand that they stop the experiment and make them clean up the mess they made in the kitchen. That evening, Tom Thomas and his parents have dinner. Mom wonders why there is so little bread left at home. Tom Thomas admits that he carried out a scientific experiment. While not thrilled by the waste, she says at least his actions were done for the pursuit of scientific knowledge – that it’s better than sitting around playing games all day on your phone. No sooner does she say this than Dad, who is playing a game on his phone, drops the sandwich he is eating. Of course it land face down. Dad says it’s “Murphy’s Law”, but Tom Thomas disagrees. It’s the “Law of Buttered Bread”.
The Detective
The Detective
After watching a detective movie, Fire and Nolik decide they should become detectives. And soon they have their first case when they discover that Professor Eugenius has lost his lucky screwdriver. The young detectives are determined to figure out who took it. First they accuse Digit of taking it because they suspect he wants to take over Professor Eugenius’ job. He denies it, but nevertheless they arrest him. Next they accuse Toola claiming she probably took it because a lucky object could bring her good luck. Suddenly Toola finds herself arrested as well. Simka arrives and refuses to take part in the detectives’ ridiculous behavior. She tells Toola and Digit to simply leave. Fire won’t give up, and when Nolik refuses to arrest Simka, Fire now suspects it was actually Nolik. This causes the group to accuse Fire as being the criminal. As the tensions between the Fixies rise, they hear Eugenius talking to Elisa on the phone. It seems the screwdriver wasn’t stolen at all; Elisa had simply put it back where it belonged in the warehouse. Fire apologizes for his behavior, but is soon excited to hear that Eugenius has misplaced his lucky soldering iron. Now he’s got a new case to solve!
The Pyramid
The Pyramid
Tom Thomas builds a model of an Egyptian pyramid with a labyrinth inside for a school competition. Nolik enters the pyramid hoping to find a mummy inside and quickly finds himself lost and unable to get out of the maze. Fire and Digit go in to rescue him, but they too get lost inside the labyrinth. Simka explains to Tom Thomas a few different ways to get out of a labyrinth and uses one these scientifically sound methods to rescue Nolik, Digit and Fire. She ties one end of a rope around her waist and the other end outside the entrance. When she finds the boys inside she can easily lead them back out of the pyramid. Nolik exits last wrapped up in the rope like a mummy. This makes his friends laugh. Tom Thomas leaves for school with his model. He wins the contest because he knew the answer to the question of how to successfully pass through a maze.
The Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse
Tom Thomas dreams of watching the upcoming solar eclipse and together with Simka. They start building a pinhole camera from a cardboard box to watch the eclips and protect their eyesight from its harmful rays. Nolik is not excited about the eclipse at all, in fact he is in panic that it will throw the world into darkness and it will never become light again - that the moon will suddenly stop in its orbit and the end of the world will come. While Tom Thomas and Simka build the simple “camera obscura” to observe the celestial phenomenon, Nolik gathers batteries for a flashlight so they will have light after the eternal darkness takes over. The eclipse begins and Tom Thomas and Simka watch it through the camera with wonder. Nolik unfortunately hides in fear and misses the fantastic event. Tom Thomas promises Nolik he will keep the pinhole camera until the next eclipse, and in the meantime use the box it is made out of to store the batteries.
The Pencil
The Pencil
For his mom’s birthday, Tom Thomas has painted her portrait in pencil. Nolik and Fire discover the portrait as Tom Thomas is sleeping and decide they can improve it. They add details found in a variety of masterpieces to the portrait of Tom Thomas’s mother: giving her long hair, a hat, a bowl of fruit, a pet dog, and finally a mustache and beard. When Tom Thomas wakes up he can’t believe his eyes. There’s no way he can give this to his mom as a portrait of her! Now he doesn’t have a gift at all. In his desperation to fix the picture he ends up actually coloring the entire page black with the pencil. Suddenly Fire and Nolik have an idea of how they can transform the picture. They can use an eraser to create white lines within the black field. They decide to paint a still life on the page rather than a portrait. It works! Mom thanks her son for the lovely picture. She admires its original technique and is ready to hang it up in the kitchen where they will now go for her birthday breakfast.
The Baby Doll
The Baby Doll
Tom Thomas is waiting for the delivery of a new remote controlled car, but when the box arrives he is surprised to find that a baby doll was sent by mistake. He tells his mom and she calls the store to and arranges to send back the doll and get the car that Tom Thomas really wanted. Toola is disappointed to learn that doll will be going back. She thinks it is really cute and enjoys helping Tom Thomas feed her and entertain her. Tom Thomas is embarrassed that when he feeds her the doll says “Mama”. Soon Tom Thomas finds the baby doll taking more and more of his attention from the games he would rather be playing. Frustrated he hides the baby doll in the kitchen. Toola is very sad about the doll’s disappearance; it has become like a real live baby for her. Toola is terribly worried about the doll and starts to imagine all of the terrible things that may have happened to her. Seeing how upset Toola has become Tom Thomas runs to the kitchen to retrieve the doll, but now it is gone! Tom Thomas is relieved to see that his mom did not send it back yet, and he tells her that he changed his mind, he will keep the doll instead of getting the new car. Toola is thrilled by the doll’s return, and the doll seems to be happy too – when Tom Thomas picks her up she says “Papa”!
The Heart
The Heart
Tom Thomas has a dilemma - he doesn’t know which club to join at school – should he join the Robotics Club with Johnny, or the Chess Club with Katya? Mom tells him to listen to his heart for the answer. Tom Thomas talks with Nolik about his problem, but Nolik acts disinterested and flies off on his fixieboard for Fixie School. At school, Grandpus asks Nolik to help move a battery, but Nolik wonders why he has to do it when Toola is right there. His grandfather accuses him of being heartless with his indifference to help those in need. Nolik recalls that he did not help Tom Thomas either and goes back to him. He suggests that Tom Thomas listen to his heart with his mother’s stethoscope. But Tom Thomas does not hear any advice through the stethoscope, just the steady beating of his heart. Nolik tells him to try again and sneaks in between the stethoscope and Tom Thomas’ chest. He pretends to be the voice of Tom Thomas’ heart telling him to choose the Robotics Club. Tom Thomas figures out Nolik’s trick. Nolik is upset that he could not help his friend. But Tom Thomas tells Nolik he actually did help him finally make a decision – he wants to join the Medical Club!
Fire and Nolik think they make the coolest team on the whole planet! Working together they are able to escape Chewsocka’s pursuit. They decide they should do everything together and never fight. When they arrive at Fixie School Grandpus asks them to get glue from the warehouse so they can repair the broken handle on Professor Eugenius’ favorite mug. They locate a tube of glue in the warehouse, but in the process of checking whether there is glue in it they become stuck together, one hand of Nolik’s with one of Fire’s. What a lucky break, their dream of being inseparable has come true! At first it is a lot of fun and the other Fixie kids are really amused by it, but soon problems develop when they no longer want to do the same thing. Their disagreement turns into a heated argument and they decide they are no longer friends. Even their hands no longer stick together. In his anger Nolik slips and starts falling right towards Chewsocka’s mouth below. Fire saves him on his fixieboard just before the dog is about to swallow him! The boys apologize to each other and with a handshake are friends once again.
The Marshmallow
The Marshmallow
Simka and Nolik’s parents, Masiya and Papus, have had a quarrel. It seems that Masiya was overwhelmed with chores to finish before the New Year’s celebration and she had asked Papus to get Simka and Nolik so they all could help. But when Masiya found Papus, he was busy playing a game with the kids on their fixiephone. Masiya became furious and stormed off. Now she and Papus are not speaking to each other. Simka and Nolik are worried that if this fight continues their family will not celebrate the New Year together. Tom Thomas suggests that the kids get the parents face to face so they will be forced to talk to one another. Simka and Nolik make a bouquet of flowers from little marshmallows and then trick their parents into meeting by telling them separately there is an emergency they need to help out with. Masiya and Papus suddenly find themselves face to face. The Fixie kids secretly place a bouquet of “flowers” into their father’s hand that he gives to his wife as a gift. Masiya is flattered by the gesture. Their anger subsides and they apologize to one another for getting angry. They call for their children so they can be together to celebrate the ringing in of the New Year.
Tom Thomas is playing against the Fixie kids in a game of table hockey. Tom Thomas is determined to win this time around. The Fixies get off to a lead because they have a powerful team and he plays alone. Katya arrives in Tom Thomas’s room; she has stopped by the apartment to pick up a recipe for her mom. At first Katya is disinterested in the hockey game, but when she starts paying more attention to what is going on, she finds her interest growing. She grabs a tablet and looks up hockey strategy on the Internet. At first Tom Thomas is not pleased to have her yell out advice, but when he finds her ideas working he becomes much receptive. Soon Katya has joined Tom Thomas as a player on his side of the board and they beat the Fixies. Dad enters the room and the Fixies hide. Dad tells Tom Thomas it is time to leave for the real hockey game they will be attending that evening. Katya asks if she can join them, she has really learned to appreciate the exciting game. Mom decides she would be happy to go along as well. They all leave for the game. Back in Tom Thomas’ room the Fixies come out of hiding. Nolik is perplexed - how could this happen, how could they have lost, aren’t the Fixies a team? Simka points out that now Tom Thomas has a team as well, and they don’t give up. Nolik says Tom Thomas’ team just had beginner’s luck, that’s all. Wait until next time!


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