Bill Ebel
Media pertaining to Bill Ebel
Justice for All
After Sparky is elected as project manager of the Wilderness Council, he decides to build a playground. Doug reveals to him that because green slugs have controlled the council for years, the yellow slugs have never had a playground near their homes.
Friends in the Journey
Randall, Doug, and Sparky are invited to perform at the annual Lightning Bug Dance in the sky, but if they’re going to give a concert at 5,000 ft., they’ll need a hot air balloon and a lot of careful planning!
Under Where?
Everyone is being creative and busy, but the workshop is an absolute mess, and Doug has lost his favorite stuffed bunny! Author and musician Andrew Peterson stops by and offers to help out. Randall puts all projects on hold until they can get things cleaned up.
Modern Kid
When Doug is gifted a new internet tablet, he becomes so distracted from daily life that the others decide he needs an intervention!
Words Have Power
Randall helps Maggie and Morty Raccoon practice for the upcoming “Definition Bee.” When Randall’s friend, musician and author Propaganda visits and shares an inspiring, original piece, Doug and Sparky are motivated to try writing some of their own rhymes.
Mentor From Space
Doug the Slug’s mom Trudy just returned from a trip to space and stops by the workshop for a visit. Meanwhile, Trudy introduces the crew to NASA astronaut Patrick Forrester.
Two Kinds of Cool
Maggie Raccoon wins a visit from one of her heroes, sports-movie star Sam Superstar! But when Sam arrives, he’s a little too impressed with himself to be very good company.
Uncertain about Wonder
Maggie is excitedly working on the costume she’ll wear to Inkli-Con (a convention for C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien fans). Meanwhile, Sparky learns the science behind how his tail lights up and immediately becomes disenchanted with everything in life he previously thought of as magical and wonderful.
Who's Got the Ball?
Maggie Raccoon is focused on winning the upcoming Fantasticball tournament. When a teammate is injured at the last minute, can Maggie put her selfish ambitions aside and help her team play together?
Power to Share
Tickets to Slugfest sold out in a few minutes time, and Doug, Sparky, and Morty are all bummed to miss it. Maggie already has tickets but hasn’t told her friends because she doesn’t have quite enough tickets for everyone.
Happiness Balloon
The day after an amazing birthday party, Sparky’s shiny balloon is all that remains of the celebration. When he loses the balloon, Sparky sinks into a major post-birthday slump.