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Apollo 17 - On The Shoulders Of Giants

29 Minutes Historical SD PG
A documentary view of the Apollo 17 journey to Taurus-Littrow, the final lunar landing mission in the Apollo program is discussed. The film depicts the highlights of the mission and relates the Apollo program to Skylab, the Apollo-Soyuz linkup and the Space Shuttle.

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A World Without Orphans
A World Without Orphans
What??? ?rphanages create orphans.?- it was a quote from missionary Steve Saint. I had visited orphanages overseas. I knew people who ran orphanages. Could it be that orphanages are not good? The more questions I asked, the more I realized that the church ?while very well-meaning ?is part of the problem. But the church is also part of the solution. There is a small group rumbling about the changes we need to think about ?to think about children who belong in families. Can we rethink the way we care for vulnerable children? There are no orphans in this documentary, no children wistfully looking at the camera. It is a conversation, a discussion by people on the front lines of orphan care. It is meant to encourage the church to dialogue about its role in the pursuit of a world without orphans.
Wosaka tells the incredible story of Basil O?onnell-Jones, a thrill-seeking young man who, while in the Rhodesian Army? Light Infantry, was shot in the head during a deployment, declared dead, and then returned to life 28 minutes later. Within those 28 minutes, Basil felt his soul leaving his body and experienced seeing his entire life flash before him. After coming back to life, he was told he would never walk, talk, or write ever again, a prognosis that would send him into depression and anger. For the next 18 months, he continually searched his heart and soul for answers, but found none. It wasn? until an Army medic shared the Gospel and his conversion story with him that Basil found the answers and peace he was so desperately seeking. Basil today has miraculously regained many of his abilities and has dedicated his life to Christ, serving his Church and sharing his life and testimony with people worldwide.