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In Your Eyes
While picking vegetables in the garden, Jupiter wonders why he doesn?t have green eyes. After a little investigating, Luna comes up with the best make believe ever where they encounter their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and more!
While picking vegetables in the garden, Jupiter wonders why he doesn?t have green eyes. After a little investigating, Luna comes up with the best make believe ever where they encounter their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and more!

City Lights

Dream On

A Dog's World

Wallowing in the Mud


Stuck on You

In or Out?

Mars Mission

So Cheesy

Tears Tears Tears

Walking on a Cloud

Grows as it Goes!

A Ride in the Sky

Break of Dawn

Tuned In

Flee Flea!


One Hand Washes the Other

Planes in Space

The Milky Way

Sweet Sweet Fruit

Super Strong

Set in Stone

Staying Dry

In Your Eyes
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Season 3
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