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The Refrigerator
'Nolik gets stuck to a piece of chewing gum and Tom Thomas puts him in the freezer to help get it off. Unfortunately he forgets that he left Nolik inside of there. How will Nolik escape from this danger? '
"Nolik gets stuck to a piece of chewing gum and Tom Thomas puts him in the freezer to help get it off. Unfortunately he forgets that he left Nolik inside of there. How will Nolik escape from this danger? "

The Drain


The Alarm clock

The Lever

The Remote

The Combination Lock

The Refrigerator

The Electric Kettle


The Balloon

The Microwave

The Toothbrush

The Screws

The Stapler

The Electric Train

The Pen

The Spare Part

The Keyboard

The Aquarium

The Fan

The Washing Machine

The Thermometer

The Music Box

The Magnet

The Flashlight

The Short Circuit

The Compass

The Hair Dryer

The Robot

The Solar Battery

The Magic Wand

The Ship in a Bottle

The String Lights

The Whipped Cream

The Vacuum

The Cartoon

The Cell Phone

The Zipper

The Magnifying Glass

The Night Light


The Alarm

The Mixer

The Thermos

The Scale

The Internet

The Piggy Bank

The Microphone


The Mirror

The Lie Detector
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Season 1
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