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Hedgie Hike
It's a lovely day and Pins wants to go for a walk in the meadow and do some exploring. However, Nettie is content to read under a shady tree, and Pins doesn't want to go on a walk alone.
It's a lovely day and Pins wants to go for a walk in the meadow and do some exploring. However, Nettie is content to read under a shady tree, and Pins doesn't want to go on a walk alone.

Hedgie Sing-A-Long

Hedgie Puddles

Hedgie Birthday

Hedgie Highway

Hedgie Hiccups

Hedgie Hide and Seek

Hedgie Sleepover

Hedgies and the Snail

Hedgie Treasures

Super Hedgie

Hedgie Selfie

Hedgie Kickball

Hedgies And The Kitty

Hedgie Halloween

Happy Hedgie Halloween

Hedgie Pressie

Hedgie Hokey Pokey

Hedgie Thunder

Hedgie Hound

Hedgie Veggie

Hedgie Hike

Hedgie Painting

Hedgies In The Snow

Hedgie Sledding

Follow the Hedgie

Hedgie Kitty Continued
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Season 1
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